First Name
Last Name
Please spell out the exact company name
Describe your business
Do you have a domain name?
What are they doing with your site (or what’s the “job” of the site)?
Examples: Gain Credibility? Contact You? Book an Appointment? Subscribe to your newsletter? Learning? Reading your blogs? Buying your products and/or services?
What are the 3 most important things you want viewers of your website to think?
Name 3 things you definitely do NOT want your viewers to think?
List 3 sites whose voice and tone you either like or don’t like. What do you like or dislike about each?
They don’t have to be in your industry
Which social media channels (if any) do you think your ideal clients spend time on? Are you already interacting with them?
Are you an expert in your field? Do you ever write about your industry? Will you be sharing news?
What companies or people do you most admire in your field? Please give some reasons why.
Do you already have a site map in mind or an approximate number of pages?
Will you be able to provide assets for your website? This would include: all copy (bios, headlines, products, about pages, etc.), images, and a logo or other branding.
Do you have an ideal date for website launch? Are there outside considerations that might affect the timeline?
Is there anything else you would like to add?